Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hello (echo) Hello anyone there......

How do you even begin to update a blog that has been like a ghost town for the last few months? I didn’t want to do “bullet point updates” so I think I’ll just break is down as follows:


My darling little lady started Grade one yesterday. BIG SCHOOL. UNIFORM. My precious baby grew up over night. She is super excited about Grade one, all she wants to do is learn how to read. I wish I could capture her “I want to read” face on camera. She glows when she talks about it.

Her therapy sessions are also done. I’m so happy that I decided to send her to play therapy. I was very skeptical about all this therapy nonsense but in the end it proved to be the best decision. The difference it has made in her little life is amazing. Even her “stress eczema” has cleared up almost 98%. She is also more open with both Brad and I. McK is overall a very happy and loved child.

I also got a few parenting tips out of the therapy, and am working hard each day to improve myself as a mother. Luckily I have Brad helping me along the way too when I get to demanding on my 6 year old. He keeps me in check. ;-)


Like I said to him this morning, if I was a cartoon character I would have glittering hearts floating above my head at all times. They would even glow extra bright if I was thinking about him.

He has taught me to trust and love unconditionally. No words can describe how happy he makes me. I feel like the most sexiest woman when he is around. He loves me - every inch of me.

I always used to see and read about couples who are just so in love and happy. I never believed it was possible, that no one could feel like that about another person. It must have been an act, Oscar nominated performances. But here I sit, totally gaga about this amazing person who has changed my life in so many ways.


I just barely survived November and December with the help of Bio-plus, Red bulls and patience that I dug up from who knows where. I’m still not used to the actual getting up early to blow wave hair and actually get proper cloths on. I still miss the working in pajama days.

I also miss a great deal of being part of McK’s day. I miss picking her up early. I now pick her up at 5pm, I always feel bad that she has to sit at school all day but I know she is having a ball playing with her friends.

Brad and Me

The popular question on everyone’s mind…. What is happening next? Much to my sister’s disgust we told her that we would most likely meet all our friends/family at the local pub and announce that we got married earlier that day. Hahaha. But ja, we are enjoying the way things are now and it works. Definitely no wedding bells in the near future.


I want to win the Lotto.

I’m finally at peace with my past and it feels good. I’ve let go of all the bad memories and mistrust and hurt. I know I will never be hurt like that again. It just isn’t possible.

Life is good right now. Of course there are certain areas that could do with a bit of tweaking but overall its smooth sailing and smiley faces.

So that is basically it. See you in another few weeks…..