Monday, August 16, 2010

August Decisions

Hey bloggers/readers.

Grin..... Yeah I'm giving a half @ss attempt at blogging today.

August has been a whirlwind of fun and drama.

I made the decision to send McK to a child play therapist. I had the first session with the therapist last Friday. It was really hectic. I cried most of the hour while she asked about McK and her Father, and all the issues that come with it. But I'm very glad I did it. She will start seeing McK this week.

Why is McK going you may ask???? Well since her father just packed up his things and fled to the coast a few weeks back, after not even making any attempt to say good bye to her..... I had to be the bearer of bad news and explain to McK that she isn't going to see her daddy any time soon. She took the news rather badly.....

Since then she has been very clingy and emotional. I think this last year has finally hit hard on her and she is dealing with some issues that I have no idea on how to handle. I'm so p*ssed off with C, that I'm not taking her feelings into consideration when trying to explain the situation to her.

I know this is the best thing for McK. When I told her on Friday night that she is going to go see a special lady that is going to help her not be so sad anymore, the poor child burst into tears. But it was tears of relief. I can't explain it to you. I explained to her that she can talk to this lady about anything that is making her angry or sad. And that we are going to try and help her heart feel better. She is very excited.

I can't wait to have my giggly dancing girlie back again.

On the B side of life. Still wonderful. Yeah I don't know when the "honeymoon" period is supposed to end, but I'm still enjoying it. All is good. All is love. All is happiness.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome M!!!!! Oh I hope McK gets some much needed outlet and is back to your adorable little girl!

    BTW- did not realize C took off completely!?!? I thought he was just talking about it...... He does a lot of "talking" so never thought anything of it. Wow.

    And I must say, you three make one beautiful family... {Don't tell B I said that!}
