Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where do I even start with an update? I suppose I could just type and see where it goes.

I really do miss blogging and reading my favourite blogs too. But my days and weeks are just so jam packed I hardly find time to get in front of the PC.

Mondays – we try to recover from the weekend. Work is incredibly busy on a Monday. Exhausting. So by the time I have picked McK up from school at 5pm, I just want to eat dinner and bath.

Tuesdays – Well I don’t really have an excuse for a Tuesday. It’s really the only day that I have nothing on after work. So technically I could catch up with the blogs on a Tuesday.

Wednesdays – GRIN. I get to spend with Mr. B. So definitely no time for the PC.

Thursdays – Girly drinks with my friend Nita. Our kids even know that Thursdays are “kuier” days. McK will run to the car singing about her brothers. Nita’s boys are McK’s “brothers”. Too cute.

Fridays – Back in the arms of Mr. B again. Need I say more?

Saturday and Sunday – McK and I are at Mr. B until late Sunday afternoon. We are either entertaining friends or being lazy and watching movies.

In between being exhausted and working and visiting, I still have to make time for Making Babies and my dear friends the Geysers. It’s hard not seeing them so regularly any more. Our lives just seem so busy lately. Need to change that.

Then next thing I know Monday is back staring me in the face, another week seen its @ss. I wake up and realize its September.

Sometimes I don’t think I really have anything to update. I mean its still “same old same old”. Happy and in love. Enjoying each day. I’m leading a pretty boring life right now. If you can call it boring? I guess I will take this happy boringness over what my life used to be any day. Hahaha.

McK is doing well. She is still having some separation issues. Today marks her third session with the therapist. S phoned me this morning to let me know they start dealing and talking about “issues” today. So I might notice McK acting out or misbehaving. Says I just need to take it as it comes while she learns how to deal with her emotions. I’m really nervous.

Mr. B has started taking a more active role as “parent” too. It makes a big difference. I know it’s difficult for him to jump into the father role. But he handles it all so well. I think his and McK’s relationship can only benefit from it.

I wake up every morning thinking how very lucky I am. I get to hold my daughter. I get kisses and hugs and “mommy I love you’s”. I get to watch her grow each day. I watch her smile and giggle. I watch them play hide and seek together. I hear her laugh hysterically while Mr. B tickles her and she squeals “mommy come help me, Mr. Tickler has me”. I listen to her singing, making up words as she goes and sit amazed by her dancing and bouncing all over the place. I watch the tears fill up her gorgeous blue eyes and run down her cheek. The lip quiver. The temper tantrum accompanied by feet stomping. The sheepish grovel that comes after she has been punished. I get to see this all every day.

I get spun around the room to a corny country western song and get told how gorgeous I am. I get woken up with soft kisses, a smile with a gaze that I know only means “I love you.”

Life is bliss, life is happy, life is honest, life is love….

Who has time for blogging?

1 comment:

  1. All sounds so GREAT girl!! Good luck for Mck, only good things will come of the therapy sessions. thx for the update :)
