Thursday, May 6, 2010

It worked....

What ever you and myself did today, all the praying and thoughts and positive vibes paid off!

I got the job!

I'm not 100% certain how I feel right now. Everything from relieved to excited to incredibly nervous to STRESS!! Rolled up into one big ball, ready to roll.

You know what this means hey? Besides the whole financial freedom aspect. I get to interact with real people again, hehe, 97% of the people/clients I've worked with for the last 2 years have all been in the confines of my lap top screen. I actually need to get dressed in the mornings, apply make up - go to work.

No more rush to McK's school still in my PJs and hair unbrushed. I have to be like a normal person and get up early. Yikes, it's going to be a big adjustment.

Then there is my mommy friends and MB friends. Oh goodness me, how I'm going to miss chatting to you ladies all freaking day long. How am I ever going to survive without emoticons?

Also Making Babies. Fear not. I'm not giving MB up, not a chance. It's my passion. I couldn't even think of being without MB. I guess I'm going to run it after hours. I'm still committed to giving my all to the cause of conception. I'll still be here.

How do I even go the whole day without chatting to my sister or nicki??? This is going to be hard.......

Tomorrow is my last day being my own boss.... maybe I should take the day off?


  1. It's all coming together and I am thrilled for you, as for the multi tasking, I know you can do it, if I can anybody can! The big problem is getting ut of bed, getting dressed etc and getting to the office on time, I still haven't got that one right! When you work it out send me tips, please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Good luck with the new job, new chapter and new venture in your life. Be blessed babes and don't forget to breathe!!
