Monday, April 19, 2010

Big girl panties....

I had to put my big girl panties on again this morning.... It was my follow up at the Dentist. I took my mommy with me this time, as apposed to my 5 year old daughter. My mommy stood by me the whole time. (Don't worry she didn't need to hold my hand, but I did appreciate having her less that a meter away.)

I knew we had a few fillings to do and that all important back molar extraction.We could have done a root canal and crowned it, but my MA plan doesn't cover it, and I don't have R6000 to spend on one tooth. So we decided to pull it). I thought about leaving the extraction till last, first do all the fillings. But this morning when I walked in there, I managed to get the words out of my mouth "lets do the extraction".

OMG, next to my c-section this has got to be the weirdest feeling ever. I was at first worried about the numbing not working, but the lovely Dentist assured me that I would not feel a thing. She was right. She is awesome. I love her. All I did feel was tugging and twisting and the tearing of the ligament that joins the tooth to the jaw. Sounds like a walk in the park doesn't it.

But I did it, that sucker came out within 15 minutes. I'm very glad it's over and done with. I'm pretty sure the fillings (3 May) will be a breeze after this morning.

I'm sitting here very eina now.... hehe, the life is coming back and I'm feeling very sorry for myself. I went to go buy pizza just now for my father's client that is doing training with us today. My "wound" was still bleeding and annoying me, so I used the best thing I could think of.....A panty liner. LOL. Yip, I rolled it up and tucked it in a few minutes. Don't laugh, I actually considered using a tampon. No jokes.


  1. Very brave!!

    Well done and BTW the tampon would have done a super job ;)

  2. Good job for today!

    Having had one miserable molar extraction, 4 uneventful wisdom tooth extractions (all at once) and a not-so-bad implant, I can assure you that the fillings will be a breeze.
