Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy birthday to ME!

When I opened my eyes at 6am this morning, I had two gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. I don't know how long she had been awake for....

McK: "Happy birthday mamma" with a huge smile. That child loves birthdays!

Me: "Thanks my baby, you know how old mommy is today?"

McK: "nope, I forgot"

Me: "I'm 30"

McK: "That's old, but I still love you".

Thanks my darling, mommy loves you too!

Then as per tradition my phone rang just after 6am. I look at the caller ID and smile, answer...... All I hear is "een, twee, drie....." (1.2.3) and my cute little duet start singing Happy Birthday to me. I love those two little boys. (They belong to my other best friends Nita and Frans). As per usual, tears trickle down my cheek. They are so awesome!

Happy birthday to ME!


  1. Happy Smirfday babe!! Be blessed, today and always!! And then of course - have one for me",)

  2. Happy birthday Marcelle - hope you have an awesome day today and an even "awesomer" party tomorrow

  3. Happy birthday!!! Welcome to the Diiiiiiirrrrrrty Thirties ;-)


  4. Hope you had a fantastic birthday, weekend and party!
