Sunday, April 25, 2010

I just sat and watched....

The rain was softly hitting against the window pane as I sat under a cozy blanket and watched the scene unfold in front of me. Two personals bubbles about to become one.

She walked right up to him, put her nose against his and giggled after trying to stare him out for a good three minutes. He giggled back, and the next thing I knew they were pretty much rolling on the floor laughing and spinning around in the office chair.

Such a beautiful sight, seeing this "independent bachelor for life" joking around with the most precious thing in my life. It's breath taking to see the two people I love so much find a connection and laugh at each other. Smile.

To see McK grow on B over the last few months. To see B grow on McK over the last few months. It was always important to me that he understood that. Now it all comes naturally. More heart pumping moments to come.

B has taught me to be more patient with McK. I've listened and taken notes. It's hard when someone points out something you don't see as that obvious. But I guess when you are wrapped up in your own ways of doing things, you can get lost. Some times I say things that are mean, which I necessarily don't think is nasty or I assume that it won't hurt McK, that she will know I'm just teasing. I've dropped some of my attempted "military style" mothering techniques and it has made a big difference in both our stress levels. (Our being McK and I).

Two separate bubbles becoming one for a few minutes at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!

    I REALLY understand this. The way I interact with my kids has changed alot since meeting D! And watching them intereact with each other is so very special!
