Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Will pictures do???

Instead of waving the white flag, I thought I could buy you over with some photos from our week with B's parents. Remember the photo shoot I was telling you all about?????

The Chuter Siblings and their partners.

B and I

My darling McK

I'm not too fond of myself in these pics, but at least the rest of this gorgeous family are just that - GORGEOUS!!

I will still get the Wedding Pics up from last weekend, with the full story. I promise. :)

Two more sleepies till I turn 30!!! I was heading into a major Pre-Birthday Depression until I got some wise words from B's mom:

"I used to feel exactly the same way and used to HATE attention or celebrating. But I have since come to realize that every year that we get older is also a another year we have been blessed with. The older we get the more we are being blessed with LIFE. I used to HATE birthdays but now I LOVE them because I realize I am lucky to be blessed with another year whereas others are not so fortunate......SO MY GIRL......from now on embrace every birthday with as much enthusiasm as you can and ENJOY your blessing!"

So I'm trying. I went and bought balloons and a "Happy Birthday" sign to hang. hehehe, I'm sure I will start feeling it soon enough.


  1. I love it!!
    Mcky is so lovely in that pic!
    bless! :)

  2. Truly wise words. Happy early birthday!

  3. Shew, I was starting to get really worried!
    Great photos of you all.
    And embrace the birthday celebrations, you have been looking forward to it for so long, i hope you have a great time!
